Thursday, September 3, 2009

An Eventful Night

There were more courses than usual at the Halloween feast, but Celena hardly ate anything until the puddings appeared. Then she got a grip on herself and ate three large portions of chocolate tart. She didn't feel hungry, but there was something comforting in the warm, rich savor. Suddenly she wished she were home.
After the last morsels of food disappeared, the plates and goblets were left sparkling clean again, the candles were extinguished and the students headed for their common rooms, Celena followed Lupin and Hagrid to the oak front doors.
- Are yeh comin' with us, Celena? – Hagrid asked. Lupin opened his mouth, about to reproach him, then looked at Celena, still shaken and miserable, and his expression softened.
- Alright, - he said briskly, - come along. Don't expect anything too exciting, though.
A part of her wanted to crawl under the warm blankets in her bedchamber; but she wasn't particularly sleepy yet, and felt revulsion when she thought about Timothy's note, still folded under her pillow. So she followed them through the chilly evening mist.
They walked down the familiar narrow, dark path in the Forbidden Forest, illuminated only by the thin beams of light issuing from the tips of their wands. It was a cold night, starless and cloudy, and there was a feeling in the air it could start raining any minute.
They reached the familiar clearing, expecting to see Goliath and perhaps a few others. But to Celena's surprise, there was a large commotion, more gargoyles than she has ever seen at once, crowded around the middle of the clearing, Goliath's massive, tall figure towering above them all, anxiety etched in every feature of his powerful, usually calm face. When Celena, Lupin and Hagrid approached, the gargoyles noticed them and parted, allowing them to see what the commotion was all about.
Celena recognized her at once. It was a female gargoyle with long, black, braided hair, lavender skin and a thin, feminine silhouette – Angela. She was sprawled on the ground, stiff as a board, her unseeing eyes wide-open and glassy. Demona was kneeling beside her, her face tear-stricken, pale and without its usual signs of malice. Lupin and Hagrid exchanged a worried glance as they, too, kneeled to examine Angela's unbending limbs.
- Hurry, friends, - Goliath called out to them, - I was about to go and look for Hagrid. We don't know who or what did this to her, or how it happened. She was found on the outskirts of Hogsmeade.
- She is alive, - said Lupin finally, peering into Angela's stony face. Demona shot one look at him, gasped for breath and buried her face in her hands, trembling with suppressed sobs, not noticing Goliath's heavy arm on her shoulders.
Lupin lightly tapped Angela's arm with his wand and said "Ennervate!"; everybody held their breath for a second, but nothing happened. Angela continued lying motionlessly on the ground.
- Either she hasn' bin petrified, or the spell doesn' work the same way on gargoyles, - suggested Hagrid.
- It's very dangerous, - said Lupin, looking very somber as he met Goliath's eyes, - we mustn't let her meet the dawn in this state. We can't know for sure what will happen if she does. No, Goliath, it's better not to move her again. I think there is one thing we could try, though. We have a superb, highly qualified Potion-maker here. I believe you can make Reviving Potion, Celena?
The Reviving Potion, the complex, incredibly powerful solution that served her in so many times of unrecognizable maladies in the time when she worked at St. Mungo's! She remembered how to make it, of course, even now ingredients and measurements were quickly running through her brain, but –
- I can, but I don't have Liquid Moonlight! – Celena cried desperately, wringing her hands.
- Snape has Liquid Moonlight, I'm sure o' that, - said Hagrid, - he kept lots o' rare ingredients to himself.
- Well, there's only one thing we can do, then, - said Lupin. – Celena, you must go to the castle immediately and ask Professor Snape to give you what we need, or take it from him by force, it doesn't matter right now, there's no time to waste – Hagrid will go with you and I will stay here with this lot –
Celena was about to open her mouth and tell her uncle what she thinks, even now, about he prospective of having to take anything from Snape by force, when she heard a clear, ringing voice:
- I'll go with you. – A graceful, beautiful creature unlike anyone Celena had ever seen before, stepped out into the clearing; a tall centauress, with a palomino body and a milk-white torso of a woman, half-concealed by a roughspun tunic. She had blonde hair and startlingly, blindingly blue eyes.
- Already heard, haven' yeh? – Asked Hagrid, unsurprised.
- I'm Olrun, - she said to Celena, - Firenze's sister. Come. I'll walk with you to the castle. One shouldn't walk alone on a night like this. Hagrid can stay – it'll be faster for just the two of us.
Celena accepted the offer gratefully, anxious to get to the castle as soon as possible, which wouldn't happen with Hagrid tearing through the brambles. She wondered whether Olrun would offer her to ride on her back, but she didn't. Perhaps the dignity of centaurs doesn't allow it even in situations like that. As they walked – or rather, Olrun walked gracefully and Celena trotted alongside her, until the clearing was blocked from view or voice – Olrun inclined her beautiful head to Celena and said:
- I think we should send and envoy up to the school before we get there, Celena Costello.
She was looking straight at Celena with that penetrating blue gaze of hers. Celena started back for a few seconds.
- Oh, right, - she said softly.
And then, she did something very strange. She opened her mouth, but no words came out of it. It sounded like a rustle of leaves on a quiet summer night. And at that very moment, a creature jumped onto Celena's arm out of the nearest tree. It was a small creature who looked like a bit of tree himself, but also like a small, bearded man with twigs for legs and arms. By knowledgeable wizards, it would be recognized as a Bowtruckle.
Celena said something to him in that same peculiar rustle, and he jumped from her arm back to the branches of the nearest tree, then propelled himself over to the next one, and the one after next, swiftly advancing towards the castle.
Celena and Olrun followed as quickly as they could – or at least, Celena almost ran, panting, while Olrun just took quick, wide steps in a graceful and dignified way. When they reached the oak front doors, Olrun said:
- I will wait for you here, - and remained standing, shuffling her hooves, while Celena went through the doors, crossed the Entrance Hall, and hurried in the direction of Snape's office.
She had never been in his office before, but she knew where it was supposed to be. Even though Snape stopped teaching potions and his Defence against the Dark Arts classes were held several floors about, he didn't move his office and quarters from the dungeons. Celena was, in fact, quite happy she didn't have to inherit it, because she still found the dungeons somewhat unwelcoming, despite all the changes. She also knew the common room of Snape's house, Slytherin, must be somewhere around too, but she could never guess which one of the dark corridors might lead to it.
Finally, breathing heavily, her hair a messy tangle, she came to a halt in front of a plain, old, heavy black door that bore a tarnished silver plate saying, "Professor S. Snape". Unable to think of a visit that would be less welcome, she raised a hand and knocked so vigorously she hurt her knuckles.
The door opened very abruptly. Snape towered over her, tall and bat-like, wearing emerald green pajamas and a silk black robe over them, but clearly wide awake.
- Professor Costello. What do I owe the pleasure to? – He asked coldly.
- Evening, Professor Snape, - Celena said hastily, trying to steady her breath, - no time to explain – I need some Liquid Moonlight, it's urgent –
With a sinking, horrible sensation at the pit of her stomach, she saw how very little impact her words made on him. He just stood there, with no inclination to move. Meanwhile, in the Forbidden Forest, Angela was running out of precious time.
- I should make it clear, Professor Costello, - said Snape, - that I never said I have any Liquid Moonlight. And even if I did, it would be a very small stock – a very limited stock – and I wouldn't be too quick to part with it.
Now Celena was sure he had it, but Snape was clearly enjoying this display of authority. Should she just hex him and explain later?
- Listen, it's a matter of life and death! – She said anxiously. – I need to prepare a Reviving Potion –
- For whom? – Snape interrupted icily.
Celena felt a surge of anger. Does it matter who is in mortal danger? And then she remembered Snape didn't want the gargoyles in Hogwarts at the first place…
- Someone's badly hurt. In the Forbidden Forest. There's no time to waste, Professor Snape, please –
- Who? – Snape repeated, clearly basking in the glow of his superiority, - because if it's a centaur or a gnome or some other half-breed, I must tell you I really couldn't care less…
Celena was about to panic. She half made her mind to point her wand at Snape, force him to give her the liquid, and justify herself later. But at that moment the door opened and Professor McGonagall came in. The Bowtruckle Celena sent to the castle earlier was sitting on her shoulder.
- What's going on, Celena? – She asked. – I got your message and I've been looking for you everywhere. It's lucky I heard voices. What happened?
Oh, thank goodness, Celena thought with an enormous rush of gratitude. She felt as though she swallowed a mug of hot Butterbeer in one go.
- I need Liquid Moonlight to make a Reviving Potion, Minerva, - Celena said, - it's urgent. One of the gargoyles looks like she was, and we cannot think of another possible way to revive her before the break of dawn.
- Which one? – Professor McGonagall asked.
- It's the chief's daughter, Angela.
- Then let us not waste any more time, - said Professor McGonagall. – Severus, I know you always have some Liquid Moonlight. I am sure you will give your full assistance. Now, if you excuse me, I must go and send and owl to the Ministry about this.
And she left.
- Oh, very well, - snapped Snape. Dislike etched in every feature of his face, he reached to one of the upper shelves. As he did it, the sleeves of his robe fell down and Celena couldn't hold a gasp that left her mouth involuntarily.
On Snape's left forearm, she saw what looked like a small, black tattoo. It was rather pale and blurred, but Celena recognized it at once. It was –
- Yes. – Snape said calmly, slowly, contemplating the skull-like shape on his forearm, and seeing Celena's expression of horror and shock. – The Dark Mark.
He thrust a small glass phial into Celena's hand.
No, this can't be, Celena thought. Sure, she thought Professor Snape was rather unpleasant, he was always biased in favor of the Slytherins and the walls of his office were covered with many jars containing ugly, slimy things and Dark artifacts, but from there to being –
- A Death Eater? – Whispered Celena, feeling her knees weaken.
- You said there was no time to waste, Professor Costello, - he said, piercing her with those cold, black, glittering eyes of his.
Celena pressed her fingers tight around the small phial and literally ran for it.
No, there wasn't any time to waste, of course. The Reviving Potion was to be made as quickly and accurately as possible, and Celena wasn't even sure if it was ever tried on a gargoyle. There wasn't anything else she could think of doing for Angela, though, so she hurried to her office and brewed and stirred and mixed fervently, adding ingredients with shaky hands and eventually stabbing her forefinger with a sharp needle, to let a drop of her blood fall into the potion, which turned instantly to a dark, greenish shade and gave off a strong smell of weeds. She made a cauldronful, and it was more than enough. She scooped it all into a large bottle, corked it tightly, and ran into the Forest again, accompanied by Olrun, in a hurry to add one last remaining ingredient – a hair from Angela's head.
It was nearly midnight. The gargoyles, her uncle and Hagrid all formed a dense circle around Angela, who was still lying as motionless and unfeeling as she was when Celena left; unaware of anything that was happening around her. Upon noticing Celena, everyone stepped away, looking grim and pale. Celena knelt beside the unconscious Angela, pulled out one of her thick, shiny black hairs and lowered it into the bottle, which she uncorked. Instantly, the potion inside it became indistinguishable from clear, fresh water. Only its smell lingered, setting it apart from Veritaserum, which has no odor at all. Celena carefully raised Angela's head and forced some potion through her tightly pressed lips.
For a few horrible moments, she was sure it didn't work. But then Angela coughed and opened her eyes.
- What was it? – She asked weakly. - I… I have never felt this horrible…
Her normally lavender skin was now a pale, grayish shade. Celena, Hagrid and Lupin exchanged disappointed looks. They hoped Angela would tell them who or what attacked her. The other gargoyles were looking extremely relieved, though; Demona was supporting Angela, helping her stand; Olrun the centauress was stroking her back.
- Someone is after us, - Demona said. Her fists were clenched and her eyes were gleaming white with fury, like a Thestral's. – It's fortunate we happened to be near those who give us shelter and aid us, but it doesn't bring us any nearer to finding the source of this evil.
- Among the few statements of yours I can agree with, Demona, - Olrun said rather stiffly. For a second, they glared at each other. Then Demona turned away and her eyes became again their usual black. Those eyes reminded Celena of something else she saw earlier, and she walked straight to her uncle, who was deep in a hushed and hurried conversation with Goliath, on whose shoulder his daughter was now leaning, exhausted. They stopped talking abruptly when Celena approached.
- I will never forget this, - said Goliath, looking down at her, his eyes sparkling with what she would think to be tears if she could believe it, - we are indebted to you forever. We will double our vigilance. We will find the culprit, eventually – but it would all be worth nothing to me if my daughter couldn't be saved.
For a moment it looked as though he wanted to hug her, but then he thought better of it and squeezed her hand instead – or rather, her arm. His steely fingers were powerful, it was obvious he could easily crush her bones if he wanted to, and Celena didn't envy the reckless creature that got itself on his wrong side. He threw a protective wing over his wife and daughter and steered them away.
- Rather sensitive for a gargoyle, isn't he? – Lupin said, smiling.
- Uncle Remus, - started Celena off the bat, getting hold of the sleeve of his robes and whispering straight in his ear, - did you know Severus Snape used to be a Death Eater?
Lupin stared at her for a long second, with a mixture of puzzlement and alarm on his face.
- You mean, you didn't know? – He shook his head in disbelief, - but yes… it was such a long time ago… and you spending all those years away in France…
- I had absolutely no idea, - Celena continued quickly and quietly, - I mean, I knew from the start he's a nasty piece of work, but I could never guess he has a –
- Listen, - Lupin said firmly, - just put that out of your mind, alright? I don't like Snape any more than you do. But this isn't anything you should trouble yourself about. A lot can be said about Snape, but he is on our side. Trust me. Right now, we have more pressing matters to deal with.
He sounds so certain, thought Celena. How come?
- Yes, - she said, - what did you come here for in the first place, uncle? You said you had something to discuss with Goliath?
- Oh, don't bother; - Lupin waved a weary hand, suddenly looking more tired than ever. – I had a guess of two about their supposed persecutor – or I thought I had, before tonight's attack. I can't know if the attacked targeted at them in the first place, or – and this worries me even more – someone who was trying to break into Hogwarts for some reason. In any case, I told Goliath to assemble his folk in twos and threes on their patrols, and to forbid them to go alone like Angela did tonight.
Lupin, Hagrid and Celena stayed a while longer in Hagrid's hut and had a couple of very strong drinks each, to relax from that night's anxiety. Later, Lupin traveled home by Floo powder through Hagrid's fireplace, and Hagrid escorted Celena to the castle's front doors.
- Yeh really proved yerself tonight, Celena, - he said, pulling her into a bone-crushing hug. It was almost like being in Goliath's arms after all, only without the talons and fangs. Celena tried her best to smile and keep breathing until Hagrid finally broke off and blew his nose on a large spotted handkerchief.
- Hagrid, - said Celena, who felt awfully hot in the face, - can Severus Snape really be trusted?
She told him about the incident in Snape's office, with him accidentally revealing the Dark Mark on his arm. Just like Lupin, Hagrid didn't look surprised in the least bit.
- Oh, we suspected him loads o' times. Loads an' loads o' times. But no, he's on our side now. Nasty git, though.

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